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Morval Parish Council

Council Meetings, Minutes and Agendas

Council meetings are usually held at Widegates Village Hall, on the first Wednesday of each month and start at 7.00pm.

Members of the public are most welcome to attend any council meeting and can speak to the council about an agenda item by giving the clerk notice of their intention to do so prior to the meeting starting. Time for those wishing to speak will be allotted either at the start of the meeting or during the meeting at the Chair’s discretion.

Meetings may be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public.  Any person wishing to film or record the meeting is respectfully requested to inform the clerk beforehand. Matters deemed as not being in the public interest will be discussed in a private session during which members of the public will be excluded and no recordings whatsoever will be permitted.



05/02/2025 Agenda Minutes (Unapproved)

22/01/2025 Agenda Minutes

04/12/2024 Agenda Minutes

06/11/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

02/10/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

04/09/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

03/07/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

05/06/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

01/05/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

01/05/2024 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Agenda Minutes

03/04/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes



06/03/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

07/02/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

03/01/2024 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

13/12/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

08/11/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

04/10/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

06/09/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

05/07/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

07/06/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

10/05/2023 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Agenda

10/05/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

05/04/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

08/03/2023 Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

Contact Details

For all enquiries, please contact the Parish Clerk:-

Laura Storey

email address: