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Morval Parish Council

Looe Police Station ‘front office’ to re-open

MORVAL’s Cornwall councillor, Armand Toms, has been given assurances that the ‘front desk’ of Looe Police Station will be re-opening to the public from next month.

Cllr Toms attended this week’s Police and Crime Commissioners meeting and gleaned that the Looe Police Enquiry office will be available to residents in the near future. “This is good news for the town and immediate area,” he said. 

Cllr Toms also persuaded the meeting to consider police numbers in South East Cornwall, as he believed that these were too low. The panel agreed to consider his request at a future meeting.

“I explained that in about 2011 the national police force was reduced by 20,000 officers which had an impact on the delivery of effective policing across the country,” said Cllr Toms.  

“When you think that the 20,000 officers released had a minimum of 25 years’ service, the force lost some 500,000 years of experience. Recently they have been replaced by 20,000 new officers with a maximum of 60,000 years of experience.   

“It will take time for the new officers to gain the experience and confidence to be effective. We have just over 600 new officers in the force area so South East Cornwall needs more officers as offences such as shoplifting and rural crime are increasing in these parts.”

21st September 2023