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Morval Parish Council

Planning application for Morval Parish

A PLANNING application for a new house and associated works in Morval Parish, including the demolition of an existing building, has been lodged with Cornwall Council Planners.

The site in question is at Wringworthy Farm, Morval, and the applicant Mrs Kim Spencer, of Wringworthy House, has offered some further information by way of her social media account.

She explained: “We already have permission to build a home on the site of an old barn at Wringworthy Farm granted under Class Q (a type of planning consent, introduced in 2015, that allows people to convert agricultural buildings into residential dwellings). 

“But we wanted to build something slightly smaller so we have had to submit a planning application to achieve this.  

“Our aim is to make our home as sustainable as possible. It will be super insulated with underfloor heating, solar panels etc and has been designed so that we can stay in it forever. 

“If any of our friends or neighbours would like to see the plans and/or visit the site, then please just let us know. You would be very welcome.”

For more information on the application, please visit… and search for the application – Ref. No: PA23/09414

20th December 2023